Lizzy Lomax
Lizzy joined the practice in East Dulwich in 2010, and quickly became an integral member of the osteopathic team. Her warm, friendly, and caring attitude, and her attention to detail, gained her a reputation as a highly skilled osteopath with patients of all ages.
Lizzy graduated from the British School of Osteopathy (now the University College of Osteopathy, UCO) in 2008 with a Bachelor of Osteopathy. After doing post-graduate training at the Osteopathic Centre of Children (OCC), she gained a Masters in Paediatric Osteopathy.
After this, Lizzy worked at the UCO teaching paediatric osteopathy to postgraduates and undergraduates in specialist community clinics treating children with complex needs.
As a mother of two young children, Lizzy understands the challenges of crying babies, feeding issues, and sleep deprivation, and offers an empathetic and non-judgemental ear to parents navigating the early years.
While paediatrics forms a large part of Lizzy’s practice, she also loves treating adults, and often sees multiple generations of the same family. She uses a variety of techniques including both structural and cranial osteopathy and has just embarked on training in biodynamic osteopathy. As a qualified yoga teacher, with additional training in pilates, she is particularly interested in how exercise can help rehabilitate patients.
Lizzy works exclusively at Rise Osteopathy in Forest Hill. She is registered with BUPA and other insurers.